Archilife Investingating Mission for SB05Tokyo (7) (Part: 2)
Author: webmaster Published:2005-09-30 Read: 5071 reads

Resized Image  因回國行程安排之故,在聽完安藤忠雄之演講後,考察團員立即趕回下榻飯店辦理退房及搭車前往機場事宜。而黃晉英秘書長、李彥頤先生、李君如小姐及陳秋玉小姐也充分利用車行途中及在機場候機的時間,把心得簡報編製完成。經過3小時飛行後,考察團一行於晚間十點順利抵達桃園中正機場,此時林俊興董事長、曾建明董事與吳貴仁董事都已親自來到機場內接機,歡迎考察團員歸來。團員們於預定的機場會議室中,由團長黃晉英秘書長率領各任務分組團員向林俊興董事長報告此次考察行程以及豐碩的成果。林俊興董事長除了慰勉大家的辛勞外,也提醒台灣絕對有在國際上發光發熱的實力,但是想要在國際上嶄露頭角必須先在國際場合中讓其他國家留下深刻的印象,以堅強的研究陣容及成果一舉將台灣推上國際,此次考察團展現傲人的成績,已足以讓台灣有機會於永續建築領域中,成為領先帶動風潮的火車頭。所以,所有的祐生成員都應該繼續充實自己之學養,等到機會來臨時,才有實力站上國際舞台發揮。
  Due to the tight schedule, members headed back to the hotel for the check out and caught the bus to the airport immediately after the Ando's speech. Secretary General Huang Chin-ying, Mr. Li Yen-yi, Miss Li Chun-ju and Miss Chen Chiu-yu also took the opportunity on the bus to the airport to finish the airport briefing materials. After 3 hours of flying, the delegation finally arrived at the CKS International Airport at 10:00 pm. President Lin Chun-shin, Director Tsen Chien-ming, and Director Wu Kuei-jen were waiting for us. At the airport conference room, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying and leaders of different teams reported the trip and the rich accomplishments to President Lin Chun-shin. Besides expressing his gratitude for the toils of all members, President Lin Chun-shin reminded all members that Taiwan had the capacity to shine throughout the world. However, we must impress other countries in international events with strong research teams and results before we can rise to the international stage. The glorious results of this trip have made Taiwan a locomotive in the area of SB. Therefore, members of the foundation must continue to enrich their knowledge in order to show themselves off on the international stage when the chances came.

  Following the first attempt and success in 2002, Archilife presented the methods and results of experiments performed at the Symbiosphere 1 Center over the past three years. Not only have the contents astonished the audiences, our efforts and determinations to seek solutions for human survival in the future were also marked out as we spread the idea of symbiosis. In fact, we have won a glorious diplomatic war for Taiwan without our awareness.
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