Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2018
Author: webmaster Published:2018-03-10 Read: 3798 reads

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  The Archilife Research Foundation Convention 2018 was held at the Mandarin Ballroom, B2F, Mandarin Oriental Taipei on February 10, 2018. The guests successively signed in at the reception desk and began to be acquainted with others in the event before the meeting, then Secretary General Huang Chin-ying announced the grand opening of the annual convention. After a series of relaxing and fun activities, Secretary General Huang Chin-ying said in her speech that climate change has a great global impact, the Archlife NT Special Team has consistently carried out related research in the hope of discovering countermeasures. During the process of international exchange, English proficiency has become extremely important to successfully convey the ideas of Archlife. Moreover, the purpose of the "Archlife Riddle Guessing" activity is a means for Archlife members to come up with countermeasures from predicting the climate. Therefore, thisactivity will be held irregularly in the future to remind everyone that they have to make prompt decisions and take action to prevent disasters from happening. Instructing professor Mr. Su Ching-hua then made remarks, stating that he is currently leading the research on concrete plans for strengthening the livability of the Archlife Sub-Shield Center. Recently, when he was arranging research data into soft copies, he experienced the far-sight of President Lin Chun-shin to preserve knowledge as microfilm. He believes that when energy is scarce in the future, this is the best way to preserve the wisdom of mankind.
  致辭結束,隨即放映本會2017年度業務執行報告短片,將本會一年以來的各項活動做一精要呈現。接著,放映2018祐生線上博覽會作品,充分呈現出祐生成員們對於「護祐生命」觀點的實踐。緊接著由接續世代林容生先生進行祐生接續世代展望報告,過去幾年來,祐生在台灣資訊領域以及遊戲開發社群相關活動,已逐漸步上軌道。在參與國際會議與國外人士交流過程中,發覺大多數人並不了解各地區中文使用差異,而有所誤解,也因此先前於美國遊戲開發者大會擔任講者時,遂針對此議題進行演講。今年一月份舉辦的Global Game Jam參與國到達108國之多,台灣的身分定位也使得敏感的政治議題一再浮現,這樣的現象將在各個領域中一直重覆出現。所以,請大家準備好面臨台灣在國際中需要角力的時刻,如何取得平衡與應對,以及找到台灣的定位,需要大家一同努力。
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