Sketch of Archilife Study Tour, March 2016
Author: webmaster Published:2016-04-17 Read: 834 reads

Resized Image  3月份見識之旅活動,於2016年3月12日由呂明澐小姐帶領12位祐生見習生及家長們,進行萬巒濃純可可暨五溝水聚落人文生態之旅。出發當日天氣晴朗,見習生們及其家長準時集合並出發。
  For the tour of March 12, 2016, Ms. Lu Ming-yun led 12 ARF interns and their parents on a trip to a chocolate factory and Wugoushui Settlement in Wanluan. The sky was clear and the weather was sunny on the day of departure. The interns and their parents assembled punctually to embark on the tour.

Resized Image  上午行程首先來到屏東五溝水社區,此聚落位在屏東平原地下水沖積扇的扇端湧泉帶,終年有清澈的地下水,故蘊含許多對水質高度要求的物種,因水源充足,亦孕育出濃厚的人文特質與百年歷史客家村莊,是全國唯一歷史聚落兼具自然湧泉、水圳、溼地之文化生態園。本次導覽員為土生土長在地居民,對當地環境熟門熟路,行程首先帶領眾人至劉氏宗祠並講解客家傳統祠堂與閩南式祠堂的不同之處及文化差異,接著進行社區導覽,從如何重建與再造都一一詳細解說。午餐眾人享用了在地客家菜後,正式進入五溝水環境生態導覽主軸,除了介紹五溝水的外來種動、植物對於當地生態所帶來的影響之外,也發放小型魚網,讓見習生於河水捕撈進行觀察,教導如何分辨特有種的魚、蝦、水草類,並於觀察後將所有生物放回河內。活動最後,由導覽人員帶領見習生進行水質檢測,並講解水體溶氧、酸鹼值等數據會對河川生態所帶來的影響,活動過程新奇有趣且見習生皆能動手操作,眾人皆玩得不亦樂乎。
  The morning's itinerary brought everyone to Wugoushui Settlement in Pingtung. The Settlement is located at the spring belt of the groundwater alluvial fan in the Pingtung plain, providing clear source of groundwater all year round and making it home to teeming aquatic life that thrives only in exceptionally clean water. The abundance of water has also cultivated the rich and profound culture, and century-old Hakka village. It is Taiwan's only cultural ecological park that combines historical settlement with natural spring, waterway and wetland. The tour guide for the day was a local resident who was very familiar with the local environment. He first led everyone to the Lius' ancestral hall, and explained the physical and cultural differences between a traditional Hakka ancestral hall and Minnan ancestral hall. Then he led everyone on a tour of the community, explaining in details its rebuilding and restructuring. For lunch, everyone enjoyed the local Hakka dishes. The official tour of the Wugoushui ecological environment began after lunch. Besides an introduction to the impact of foreign plant and animal species on indigenous ecosystem, the tour guide also provided interns with small fishing nets to catch marine life in the river for observation. The interns were taught how to differentiate unique types of fish, shrimps and aquatic plants, and release them back into the river when they were done. At the end of the activity, the tour guide tested the water quality with the interns, and explained the impact of readings, such as dissolved oxygen and PH value, on the river ecology. Everyone had a great time as the tour was interesting and fun; and the interns were given the opportunity to learn through hands-on activities.

Resized Image  行程最後來到可茵山可可莊園,此處為有機可可園,因屏東的氣候與地理環境皆相當適合可可的生長,目前許多農民漸漸放棄種植檳榔這項夕陽產業而改種植可可。行程一開始即由導覽員介紹可可樹生長的環境與種植時需要留意的照顧注意事項,隨後介紹可可豆由採摘、發酵至烘焙製成產品的過程,亦針對可可純度與年齡食用上的注意事項進行說明,可可植物與可可豆的真實樣貌於生活中較為少見,透過快速的解說與導覽讓大家對於平時所享用的可可食品有更深入的認識。至此,本日活動已近尾聲,大家一起合照留念後各自返家,並期待於下次見識之旅再相見。
  The final leg of the itinerary was Cocosun Chocolate Factory, an organic cocoa farm. Pingtung's climate and geographical environment are conducive for growing cocoa trees. Many farmers have gradually abandoned betel nut planting, which is now a sunset industry, to grow cocoa trees. The tour began with the tour guide introducing the cultivation environment for cocoa trees and things to look out for when growing them. The tour guide also introduced the process of cocoa harvesting, fermentation and roasting, and caution about cocoa purity and age limits for consumption. People rarely see what cocoa trees and cocoa beans look like in everyday life. Everyone achieved a deeper understanding of the cocoa foods they enjoyed through the quick explanation and guided tour. As the day's tour came to an end, everyone took a group photo before heading back home and looked forward to the next study tour.
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